Things are looking up
The days are getting slightly longer, the snow drops are out and the vaccination programme is building up steam. So those are all reasons...
New bus link is a step in the right direction
There are two pieces of good news I’d like to talk about which give us cause for optimism for 2021. First, the lack of good public...
Keeping in touch is good for you
For hundreds of years Chambers of Commerce have existed to help people get to know one another and do business together. That has usually...
Making sense of a complex situation
Businesses are having to cope with a huge variety of problems at the moment, including a wide range of financial arrangements. This...
Numbers paint a worrying picture
We recently had another members’ meeting on Zoom, which is a good way of keeping in touch, though not a patch on our usual get togethers...
Let's stick together
One of the traditional principles of Chambers of Commerce is to encourage members to do business with one another. It makes sense to...
Remember the old days ?
Once upon a time, long ago, members used to meet up in places like the Queen’s Arms or the Pelican to have a sociable drink and chat...
Steady as we go
Regular announcements about a relaxing of lockdown mean we are edging back towards normality, with more businesses opening and people...
Advice from our Vice President
There’s a huge amount of information out there for businesses. Our Vice-President, Rod Podger, says he could write a book ! Whilst we...
Baby steps to normality
In some ways declaring the lockdown was straightforward. The message was simple and people had a clear idea of what was expected of them....